Two readers have posted comments saying that they have been unable to view the main webcomic site for over a month. I've spoken to the network administrator of the host who told me some things that you can check out if this is happening to you. He would also appreciate if you could post/email the results of these checks. Comparing them for all the people who are having problems would help him to see if there is a problem at our end.
These are the checks to do:
1. In windows, press start, then Run, type in CMD (win 2000/XP/Vista) or COMMAND (Win 98/ME)
2. In the command window, first type:
the IP should be
then type:
the IP should still be
If the first fails, but the second works, it is your local DNS server and you should be able to fix the problem by contacting your ISP. Even so, please send us the results so the network admin can check them.
3. If both work, type tracert to see how far you get. (Tracert displays all the hops that you do to reach the page.)
HOW TO DUMP THE RESULTS TO A TEXT FILEIn the command window, type the following (where filename stands for whatever name you want to give to the file and [ENTER] stands for pressing the Enter/Return key):
nslookup > filename.txt [ENTER]
nslookup >> filename.txt [ENTER]
tracert >>filename.txt[ENTER]
Paste the results of the text file here as a comment or email them to me at
In the commands above, > writes to file and >> appends. If you want to write the file in a specific folder, e.g. a folder called misc on your c: drive, just type the whole path, > c:\misc\filename.txt.
In the meantime the network admin has made some small change at his end so you may be able to view the comic website already. I hope this helps!