Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I wasn't lazy yesterday! Honest!

I know that the progress bar didn't move from 75% tracing, but I've actually been drawing all evening. What's happened is that once again I wasn't happy with the upcoming episode. Heck, with the next two episodes. I can't do without though, because it's central to the story, so I've concentrated both episodes in one long strip. It doesn't really have a punchline but it's full of drama! My creative consultant was unavailable for last minute fixes to the script so you'll have to live with this unfunny #182, then we go back to Fred the Dread and his romantic adventures.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Proud to be a dickhead

I really am.

From the Guardian:

Silvio Berlusconi was accused yesterday of dragging Italy's already raucous general election campaign into the gutter when he declared that those who voted against him would be "dickheads".
Speaking to journalists about the expected outcome of the election next Sunday and Monday, the Prime Minister said: "I have too much respect for the Italians to think there are that many dickheads around who'd vote against their own interests."

Unbelievable. If this clown gets re-elected I'll seriously consider changing citizenship.

Monday, April 03, 2006

13 years to the day

I've moved to England from Italy exactly thirteen years ago, on the 3rd of April 1993. I did it because I had fallen in love with a Brit, and when we split up years later I already had a job, a car, two cats, etc. etc. So I stayed mostly because I'm too lazy for massive changes unless there's an overwhelming reason, but also because London is an amazing place. The best thing is cycling along the river in summer from Greenwich to Tower Bridge and back on the other bank, where the smugglers and pirates used to hang out.