Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Check out these two comics

Elf Only Inn, one of my favorite webcomics, is about to come back from a long hiatus. E.O.I. is the name of a roleplayers chatroom with some memorable characters. If you haven't seen it before check it out, it's very funny.

Yesterday I stumbled by chance on a comic that really impressed me, Code Name: Hunter. There are only 11 panels so far, but what panels! Script, drawing and colouring are all very good, an awful lot better than what you'd normally expect from a webcomic. It's early to know where it will go from here, but the authors are very talented so it's worth checking out.


Gianna said...

Jeez, I'm such a slacker with this blog! Anyway I don't know about EOI's exact plans, but the author announced that he's planning a comeback. He seems to be very busy with work and other projects, but I hope that he starts updating again, EOI is great.

Gianna said...

Whoa, blog commentary advertising spam! At least it's not as annoying as phone promotions.